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"Make up is something that is born from the beautiful mind, transfered from the palette, onto the brush to face. So it is actually not so different from painting a picture, just your canvas is slightly different. Imagine and fill your life with colours - Paint Your Life" - Erika Will

Surrounded by art, learning at school, extra art schools, always trying to get the beauty of life, Erika Will knew more about art each day.  After high school graduation 2009 she started major in bachelor degree of coiffure design at University of Applied Sciences (Vilnius). At third year learning, she found the passion and resemblance with art and make up. That's how her journey started into this field. Lacking knowledge in makeup classes at college, she passionately researched about make up as much as possible. While doing photoshoots for fun with friends, she found true passion for make up. In 2012 she took extra courses from successful mua Karolina Taraskevic, later assisting her at some events like wedding fair "Musu Vestuves 2012" or tv show "Turtai ir slove".
On 2013 she attended  workshop by another successful mua Inga Krasileviciute from Bogomolov' Image School.
At the moment she is freelancing, while building her portfolio and expanding her knowledge with upcomming future workshops.

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